Prema Entha Madhuram starring Varsha HK as Anu, and Sriram Venkat as Arya, has never failed to melt our hearts, thanks to the relationship that Arya and Anu share. It might seem like an odd pair on the surface level, but we know that they are soulmates and are meant to be together.
Watch the spoiler for the next episode of Prema Entha Madhuram right here!
Also Read: Prema Entha Madhuram: Here’s why Subbu can be assured that Arya is the best match for his daughter Anu
When Meera revealed to Arya that she framed Anu because she was jealous of how close Anu was getting to him, she gave him hints of the fact that she has feelings for him. Meera has been working with Arya for years now and is arguably more ambitious than anyone else. She also knows Arya very well and is one of the main people to have contributed to the Prakash group of companies’ growth.
Knowing all this, one would think that Arya and her, would go together like coffee and doughnuts but this is not the case. While Arya is an extremely successful person, at the core, he is a family man and can do anything for them. Meera, on the other hand, isn’t as family-oriented.