Off-screen Rana Daggubati and Venkatesh Daggubati are blood relatives. So, when news of the nephew and uncle teaming up for a web series in an over-the-top platform was confirmed, the excitement among fans was palpable. The upcoming series is an official adaptation of Ray Donovan, the American crime drama that premiered in 2013. The new Telugu web series #RanaNaidu will transpose Liev Schreiber aka Ray Donovan’s LA world of fixing for the rich and the famous onto a Bollywood canvas.
The power partnership
With the Tollywood muscles of Rana Daggubatti and Venkatesh Daggubatti set to beef up this Bollywood plot, the fans will be eating out of these talented actors’ hands once the web series goes online. Rana Naidu just like Ray Donovan is a ‘fixer’ for Bollywood and the who’s who of Mumbai. Venkatesh Daggubati and Rana Daggubati have heightened the expectation of fans with their tweets expressing mutual admiration for each other’s talent.
This is the first time that the duo, who have a huge fan following, have come together for any project. It is also a first for both these actors in that they are moving to long-form storytelling in their well-established careers. Unable to hold back his excitement, Venkatesh Daggubati said he hoped to have a rollicking time with Rana Daggubati on the sets.
Asserting that he is a big fan of Ray Donovan, Venkatesh Daggubati adds that the entire team will do everything in their powers to do justice to the American original which incidentally has completed seven seasons. Venkatesh Daggubati also warned his nephew that he better watch out in Rana Naidu and all the memories of seeing him grow from a young boy to a fine actor will be forgotten once the shooting starts.
Rana Daggubati said this collaboration with his uncle is a dream come true. But the Bahubali actor assured the fans that nothing will stop him from being at the throat of his uncle in the web series. Rana Daggubati admitted that the new format will be both a challenge and fun. Karan Anshuman and Suparn Verma will direct this flick that Sunder Aaron of Locomotive Global Media LLP will produce.