Super busy with his shooting schedule, Ranbir Kapoor might have no time to chill amid this festive season. However, the actor today took some time out to soak in goodness, by meeting his lady love Alia Bhatt. At first, he was spotted moving out of his house and later the Brahmastra pair were spotted together.
Ranbir Kapoor while stepping out was seen donning a casual grey t-shirt which he paired with black denim jeans. Donning a cap and black mask, he waved at the media while being papped outside his house. However, Ranbir did not wait too long and was seen leaving immediately after striking a pose for a split-second.
Later, he was spotted stepping out from the same car with ladylove Alia Bhatt. But this time, he wore a black kurta which he chose to pair with blue denim jeans and red shoes. Sporting a pair of sunglasses, the actor waved at the media and tried to quickly enter the building. However, prior to this, Highway actor Alia Bhatt was seen rushing towards the building.
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Unlike Ranbir, Alia did not interact with the media at all. She was seen donning a grey flowy Kurta which was paired with matching bottoms. Statement heels and brown bag rounded off her accessories for this look. She also opted for a ponytail to complete her chic look.
On the work front, the celebrity couple will be seen onscreen together for the first time in Ayan Mukerji-directed Brahmastra. It is the most anticipated sci-fi trilogy and fantasy flick. Produced by Karan Johar, along with Alia and Ranbir, the movie will see Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy and Nagarjun in pivotal roles.
The plot of the film has yet been kept under wraps, all the makers have been tight-lipped about the film’s story. However, the character names of Ranbir and Alia were unveiled by the diva on her Instagram. Brahmastra will see Ranbir essaying the role of Shiva, a man with superpowers, while Alia will play his romantic interest, Isha.
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