In the preview for the upcoming episode of the latest Zee Bangla TV serial Rani Rashmoni, we see a dramatic scene unfold. The Brahmin priest Gurudeb tells Kamala, Rani Rashmoni’s (played by Ditipriya Roy) granddaughter-in-law, that she can only purify herself by drinking a bowl of boiling milk. Kamala looks scared, but says nothing and is ready to oblige and prove herself. The rest of the family watches on with trepidation as the priest pours a helping of steaming milk into an earthen bowl and hands it over to Kamala.
Watch the preview for the next episode of Rani Rashmoni below:
The milk in Kamala’s bowl emits a steady cloud of thick grey steam, and we know that it is burning hot just by looking at it! It will not be physically possible to consume this boiling liquid without scalding one’s insides and risking some serious injuries. However, Kamala accepts the bowl without a word, and tearfully prepares to take a sip. Just as Kamala is about to touch the bowl of milk to her lips. Rani Rashmoni loudly calls out to her and tells her to stop! Startled, Kamala pauses and looks at the Rani, who firmly demands that she will do no such thing as drink this milk.
Rani Rashmoni is choked up with emotion as she tells Kamala this– a mixture of horror and sorrow written all over her face. It gives us a moment of relief to see Kamala being spared from such an inhumane task.
In the previous episode of Rani Rashmoni, we had seen Kamala’s family members telling Gurudeb that they would be prepared to do whatever it took for Kamala to atone. At this, he replied that he would to arrange for the whole thing himself, and they would have to leave it all up to him. When Rani Rashmoni hears this, she does not look willing to oblige him at all.
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