Ridicoolas, starring Sacred Games (2018) fame Rajashri Deshpande and Nishan Nanaiah in the lead, narrates the tale of two struggling actors who dream of making it big in the film industry. The 21-minute-long short film premiered on Zee5 on Thursday, October 29, 2020. The movie directed by Geetika Sood has managed to impress the critics and audiences with its hard-hitting narrative and impressive performances by its lead cast.
Watch the short movie Dost on ZEE5.
Ridicoolas offers a prism into the daily life of a struggling actor, and also depicts a few characteristics of struggling actors that often go unnoticed. Here are five things that Ridicoolas taught us about struggling actors.
Things Ridicoolas taught us about struggling actors:
- Versatility and hard work
Struggling actors dream of making it big in the entertainment industry feeds them the energy to work harder than the rest. Like Mohan in Ridicoolas, there are hundreds of struggling actors who switch multiple roles throughout the day. In the introduction scene of Ridicoolas, Mohan also reveals how struggling actors endure versatility in their craft.
2. Don’t work for the appreciation
It is a known fact that struggling actors rarely get their due in cinema. However, sometimes struggling actors manage to create an impact on the viewers. Just like Mohan’s dialogues in the last scenes of the movie, which got appreciated by the audience, sometimes struggling actors are adored by the audiences for the impact they bring on-screen.
3. A Never give up attitude
Just like Mohan and Bhaduri (Rajashri and Nishan), many struggling actors never give up attitude helps them get over several ordeals. Mohan and Bhaduri’s optimism helps them shine in the last scene of the film, which later gets applauded by the audiences.
4. Take life as it comes
Struggling actors’ life is much harder than many other behind-the-scenes techniques of films. However, what motivates them to give their best at work is their optimistic attitude. Mohan and Bhaduri, who essay the role of struggling actors in Ridicoolas, show the world that difficult situations do not deter one’s skills and state of mind.
5. Every character in a film is the hero
Mohan, who essays the role of a struggling actor, believes that every character in a film is important. He prepares himself for every character with the same determination and sincerity. Mohan and Bhaduri through the short film proved that no character in a movie is small.