Actor Shilpa Shetty on Sunday, November 8, 2020, shared her latest Sunday binge video online with her fans. The Dhadkan actor was savouring lip-smacking vada pav and other street food in the video. Sharing the video of her Sunday binge online, Shilpa Shetty wrote, “Chalte Chalte dekha Vada pao Mann ne bola Sunday hai Toh Khao Khao Khao Banta hai bhau!” (sic)
Shilpa Shetty further revealed that she saw piping hot vada pav at a stall on her way back from Karjat, and she could not resist herself. “Travelling back from Karjat and this is my favourite Binge food cause its made the best here,” (sic) wrote Shilpa Shetty. Here’s Shilpa Shetty’s recent Sunday binge video:
Shilpa Shetty who is returning to movies after a decade with Sabir Khan’s Nikamma recently announced the wrap of the forthcoming film. An emotional Shilpa penned a heartfelt note online in which she expressed gratitude towards the cast and crew of the movie. “Returning to a movie set after a 13-year hiatus wasn’t easy. But, it just felt right to take the leap of faith with #Nikamma! As we wrap up the shoot and look forward to sharing it with you, I can’t help but reminisce the journey I’ve experienced since last year! A wonderful team, a well-written character ‘Avni’, and all the madness we enjoyed on the sets… have all made it extremely memorable. Will miss you all,” (sic) wrote Shilpa Shetty announcing the wrap of the film.
Nikamma, starring Abhimanyu Dasani, Shirley Setia, and Shilpa Shetty in the lead is touted to be an action-comedy. The movie, directed by Baaghi (2016) fame Sabir Khan, also features actors like Shaan Kakkar, Naren Kumar, Priyamvada Singh, among others in prominent roles. Nikamma marks Shilpa Shetty’s return to movies after 13 years. She was last seen in Dharmendra and Sunny Deol starrer Apne (2007). Besides Nikamma, Shilpa Shetty also has Hungama 2 with Meezan Jafri and Paresh Rawal.