Famous internet sensation Shirley Setia, who will soon make her Bollywood debut with Nikamma, in a recent interview, candidly spoke about her love for music. While doing so, the YouTube sensation and content creator also unveiled her favourite actor-turned Bollywood musician. When asked about the growth of actors showing off their singing talent in Bollywood, Shirley said that she loves all of their songs. However, there is one who has left the musician utterly impressed. Find all about it in the video below:
During the interaction, although, Shirley opined she loves all the song, however, if she had to pick one actor whose songs have struck a chord with her, then it would be Ayushmann Khurrana. It appears that Shirley is a massive fan of Ayushmann’s songs and loves to jam to its tune whenever possible. Further, when the actor was asked if she has received any formal training in music, the singer made a shocking revelation.
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For the unversed, Shirley Setia doesn’t have any formal training in music. However, she explained that she would definitely love to take formal training as it would help with vocal techniques and control. Apart from Nikamma, Shirley has also bagged a Telugu project alongside Naga Shaurya. The film will be helmed by Anish Krishna. Apart from this, Shirley is also currently working on a few singles.
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Talking about Nikamma, it is an upcoming action-comedy directed by Sabbir Khan. The movie will feature Shirley starring alongside Abhimanyu Dassani and Shilpa Shetty. The movie marks Shilpa Shetty’s comeback almost after a 14-year-long hiatus. Initially, Nikamma was up for a release in June 2020. However, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, the release was postponed due to production halt. The film is bankrolled by Shabbir Khan Films in collaboration with Sony Pictures banner.
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