Singer and former Bigg Boss contestant Rahul Vaidya had released his latest Dandiya track on Oct 8. The song is currently trending on YouTube for its catchy rhythm and the audiences loved how it made them groove and perform endless Garba to its tune. However, on Thursday, it was reported that the singer has been receiving death threats from certain sections of Gujarati audiences.
Rahul Vaidya’s song is titled Garbe Ki Raat and it also features actress Nia Sharma in the lead. However, the lyrics of the song mention Shri Mogal Devi, an important deity in the Gujarati religion. The Goddess is also prayed to during the nine days of the Navratri festival. It was found that Rahul Vaidya ended up offending certain sections of the Gujarati audience who felt that the name of the Goddess shouldn’t have been mentioned at all in the track.
As a result of this outrage, the audience is requesting the singer to take down the song. Also, the vocalist is receiving death threats for the same. Rahul Vaidya’s spokesperson confirmed and said, these messages and calls haven’t stopped for 24 hours. He added that certain sections of the offended people would have Rahul beaten to death, arrested or even killed if the song isn’t taken down by him.
Rahul Vaidya’s spokesperson said that the name of the deity was mentioned with uttermost respectful intentions and they didn’t mean to offend anybody’s religious sentiments. He added that since some people haven’t received the song too well, they are now diligently working on the song to get it rectified, on their level. However, Rahul Vaidya’s death-threat news has been broken on the web as well and it has left netizens in a shock.
(ALSO READ – Garbe Ki Raat: Nia Sharma And Rahul Vaidya Share A Goofy Instagram Reel As Their Song Reaches A Milestone – WATCH Video )
Even on the Internet, cyber citizens expressed their anger towards Rahul Vaidya’s song and demanded the song to be taken down aggressively and immediately.