Actor Sonu Sood took to his Twitter account and appealed to the Chief Minister of Karnataka, B. S Yeddyurappa, to save the lives of those who are stranded in the coastal regions of Karnataka due to the Cyclone Tauktae.
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Cyclone Tauktae has been creating havoc in many regions of India. States like Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka and Gujarat have been severely affected by the cyclone and many people are stranded away from home. Sonu Sood expressed his concern over the safety of the people stranded in the middle of the Arabian Sea and requested the Chief Minister of Karnataka, B. S. Yeddyurappa to use his machinery to help the rescue of these people. He shared the picture of a group of people who are stranded, along with his Twitter post. Sonu Sood and his team have been a saviour for many people in the past during the second wave of Covid-19. They have actively helped people with beds, medicines, oxygen cylinders and other necessary items.
Also read: Sonu Sood Urges Indian Government To Make Cremation Grounds Free Of Cost For COVID-19 Victims
The India Meteorological Department has warned people of the havoc that Cyclone Tauktae can create in the states close to the Arabian Sea. The cyclone has severely affected the northern districts of Karnataka. It has devastated many families and 71 houses have been washed away during the cyclone. 4 people have lost their lives in the Udupi region of Karnataka. Reports also state that 76 boats of fishermen have faced the wrath of the Tauktae cyclone. The fishermen and other locals of the area have been instructed to stay away from the sea.
Also Read: Sonu Sood Appeals To Govt To Provide Free Education To Children Who Lost Parents During Covid-19
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