Ahan Shetty, Suniel Shetty’s son, is getting poised to make his Bollywood debut. In the next film Tadap, he will share screen time with Tara Sutaria. The film’s creators previously introduced the characters in two distinct teasers. The film’s official trailer was released a few days ago, generating a lot of attention on social media. Another trailer for the film was recently released, and it will keep you glued to your screens.
In the trailer, we witness Ahan Shetty, who is both tough and a lover boy, and Tara Sutaria, who is cheerful. The teaser adds to the suspense and mystery around them with an understated voiceover. It’s chock-full of powerful dialogues and Ahan Shetty’s aggressive persona. The trailer will give you goosebumps as it approaches the climax, imploring you to see the film right away.
Tara Sutarai is magnificent throughout the video in her calm and upbeat role, while Ahan’s piercing gaze will make you fall in love with him right away. Milan Luthria is the director of Tadap. It’s a romantic action drama featuring Ahan Shetty and Tara Sutaria, with a lot of chemistry between the two young Gen Z stars.
Tadap, according to director Milan Luthria, is a dark love story and an exceptionally odd debut picture. Author-backed roles go to Ahan Shetty and Tara Sutaria. In a story filled with emotional romance, adventure, and deep music, their chemistry comes through. Tadap is enlightening and reflects our audiences’ evolving tastes. She also warned the audience that they were in for a wild trip.
(Also Read: Tadap Trailer Out: Ahan Shetty And Tara Sutaria Starrer Films Trailer Gives Glimpse Of Intense Love)
Ahan Shetty, meantime, takes on a hard role in his first film, while Tara Sutaria takes on the role of an eccentric heroine who reveals a different side of herself. The new trailer’s characteristic music by Pritam makes it more exciting to watch. Sajid Nadiadwala produced the picture, which was directed by Milan Luthria. On December 3, 2021, the film will be released in theatres.