The upcoming comedy film Tiki Taka is based on the life of Khelechi Ajgubi who becomes an overnight success in the field of football! As we sit at home and consume more and more entertaining content on a daily basis, it gets difficult to choose from such a varied range of topics.
While India and China are in a stand-off along the border, there is also a covert war being found in the corridors of power. These films depict both sides of the battle.
Can't venture out this rakhi amidst the lockdown? Don't worry just Indulge in some 'sibling time' with these movies and don't let the coronavirus kill the festive vibes.
Filmmaker Basu Chatterjee passed away earlier today following age-related ailments in Mumbai. Some of his best films include 'Chameli Ki Shaadi,' 'Manzil' and 'Baaton Baaton Mein'