In the latest episode of Tujhse Hai Raabta, Kalyani tells Anupriya that she will get Moksh back at any cost. Malhar And Kalyani begin their search for Moksh. They reach the house of Yashwant, the man who threatened Mr Mehra. Just then, one of Yashwant’s men tells Malhar that he met with an accident and is admitted in the hospital. They leave from there but notice something suspicious. Yashwant informs a lady that Kalyani came looking for him. He informs her that one of his men is admitted in the hospital and that he and his family will leave soon after his daughter’s wedding. The lady tells him that Kalyani will never know where Moksh is kept.
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Tujhse Hai Raabta written update 18 October 2020:
Kalyani bumps into Yashwant’s daughter and finds out that Yashwant is well and at home. She sneaks in the house through a window. She informs Malhar about the same. Yashwant’s men break open the door and find Kalyani dressed as the bride. On the other hand, Sarthak snatches the answer sheet from Anupriya and tells her that she failed. Malhar reaches the house disguised as one of the cooks. Sarthak and Anupriya also reach the spot disguised as the workers.
Meanwhile, Kalyani, who is dressed as the bride, partakes in the wedding rituals to hide her identity. Malhar sees the bride and thinks that it is Kalyani. Kalyani manages to get in the house and meets Malhar. Sarthak plans to make Yashwanat’s men unconscious. Anupriya adds sleeping pills in the juice and tells Malhar about it. On the other hand, Yashwant realizes that Kalyani and Malhar didn’t leave for Pune. Anupriya serves the juice to all the workers. She hands over a tissue paper to Kalyani that has carbon paper hidden. Kalyani sends a message to Malhar that Yashwant is in the basement. Malhar reaches there and gets into a fight with Yashwant. Just then one of his men arrives there and Yashwant attacks Malhar. He tells Yashwant that he saw everything. They lock all of them in a room.
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