Radhika Subhedar married Saumitra a year ago, in Mazhya Navryachi Bayko. For Radhika, it was a difficult journey, after being cheated on and treated badly by her ex-husband Gurunath and dealing with his girlfriend, Shanaya. From a housewife to the becoming the owner of Radhika Masale, she has been strong and consistent and Saumitra has been her biggest pillar of strength through it all. Here’s why they are the perfect partners and they make us feel envious! The fact that they are friends makes them all the more endearing and adorable together!
They began as friends
Even before they were married, Radhika and Saumitra started off as friends who understood each other. Saumitra was actually Gurunath’s friend, but when he found out about Gurunath’s misdeeds, he supported Radhika and gave her immense strength! And this is how great partnerships are made: when they are primarily friends!
Also watch: Navasa Ishara | Mazhya Navryachi Bayko | Romantic song
They want nothing but each other’s happiness
Even when they were friends, Radhika was secretly searching for a bride for Saumitra because she did not wish to see him alone and wanted him to settle down and be happy with someone. Saumitra too stayed by Radhika’s side so that she will not have to face her problems alone and that she can run Radhika Masale with a smile on her face!
Saumitra has always been patient with Radhika
Saumitra is a patient guy. He understands Radhika well enough to know when she needs time and when she will come around. When they are just married, Radhika is still apprehensive about sleeping next to him, so Saumitra gives her space and time and sleeps on the couch. Radhika has been heartbroken once and coming from a broken marriage especially where her trust was betrayed makes her more afraid to give herself away completely. Saumitra understands that and still sticks with her!
Even Radhika’s parents thought Saumitra was the right guy!
Saumitra has good relations with Radhika’s parents and they also know of Saumitra’s feelings back when they were still friends. They support Saumitra and ask him about how things are going with Radhika as well! They know that Saumitra is the right man for their daughter and excited to see their daughter finally happy with a man, who they can trust and love so easily! Parents are wise and are considered the right people to judge a prospective groom. Radhika’s parents liking Saumitra just makes it feel so much more right!
Saumitra and Radhika have the best conversations!
The fact that they are friends, but this duo has the best conversations. Be it normal or romantic, these two are honest and genuine individuals that are real when they talk. Their simplicity and their openness towards one another is what makes them the most perfect partnership! Even if the conversations are difficult, the duo does not shy away from having them and they teach us all the importance of communication!
We hope to keep seeing these two face every problem and come out stronger than ever before!
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