Kundali Bhagya stars Shraddha Arya as Preeta, Dheeraj Dhoopar as Karan Luthra and Anjum Fakih as Srishti Arora in pivotal roles, amongst many others. Shraddha Arya often takes to her Instagram handle to share fun and engaging reels videos, sometimes just by herself and sometimes with her co-stars and friends. Recently, the actor shared an entertaining one while performing on a popular Bollywood song with her co-actors Anjum Fakin and Ruhi Chaturvedi.
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Shraddha, Anjum and Ruhi recreate the ‘Amar Akbar Anthony’ song
Actor Shraddha Arya, who frequently takes to her social media page to interact with her fans and followers, loves dancing, lip-syncing and performing songs in her videos. She recently shared a reels video where she was seen reenacting the iconic roles of the lead characters of an old popular Hindi film, Amar Akbar Anthony, along with Anjum and Ruhi. While the trio bowed in front of the camera first, they later went on to briefly essay the roles of the title characters Amar, Akbar and Anthony while its title song played in the background.
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A fun trio
The trio appeared to be thoroughly enjoying themselves in the video, as Shraddha playfully wrote that they truly could not get any lamer than that in the caption of the post. Dressed in a gorgeous silver bedazzled lehenga set, Shraddha joyfully essayed the character of Amar while Ruhi and Anjum played the role of Akbar and Anthony respectively. In the video, Ruhi was seen wearing a beautiful black lehenga set while Anjum rocked an eye-pleasing and unique sky blue pant saree.
Anjum and Shraddha’s antics
Shraddha has shared many such Instagram reels videos in the past where she has been up to amusing antics with her on-screen sister, Anjum. In another reels video that Shraddha posted recently, Anjum was seen striking up funky and wild dance moves as she grooved to a not so funky song with Shraddha by her side. These Kundali Bhagya actors seem to love each other’s company in executing these videos just as much as their fans enjoy watching them together.
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