We all know how wrong Yeu Kashi Tashi Me Nandayla’s Mohit is as a character. He is completely selfish and arrogant. He does not care for anyone but himself and has been Malavika’s right-hand man for some time now. Since Malavika herself is quite arrogant, she made Mohit become subservient to her and Mohit hated every minute of it. He has a big ego issue and does not have a single bone of kindness or love for the Salvis. He treated them brashly for months after which he decided to marry Sweetu just to mess up her relationship with Omkar and hurt Malavika. To marry Sweetu he changed his attitude towards the Salvis overnight and became as nice as possible. Nalu melted at this and gave in as she is desperate to marry off Sweetu. But even with him acting nice, Mohit has done many wrong things as a future son-in-law!
Watch the latest episode of Yeu Kashi Tashi Me Nandayla here:
Asking for dowry
The way Mohit asked for a dowry was as if it was his right to do so. He just assumed that a dowry is something he will receive and he mentioned what he wanted to the Salvis, even though he knows very well that they are poor. The ritual of giving a dowry has been abolished and is illegal. For someone who works a good job and lives in the city and has everything he needs, Mohit should have been more understanding instead of selfish.
Also read: Yeu Kashi Tashi Me Nandayla: 5 Crucial Subjects This Progressive Show Has Touched Upon

Making a fuss when Omkar and Sweetu did the temple ritual together
If he is acting like a good son-in-law, he should be doing it well. Instead, he botches it up. This happens when Nalu insists that Mohit-Sweetu and Momo-Omkar do the sun ritual at a temple. Couples in the temple are blindfolded until sun rays hit them after reflecting off the goddess’ idol. Since the couples are blindfolded and moved, there is some confusion that happens and this results in Sweetu and Omkar getting the goddess’ blessing. This infuriates Mohit and he doesn’t even try to hide it. He scolds Sweetu and makes her feel bad for an honest mistake. He also looks like a short-tempered person in front of the Salvis as well.
Punishing Sweetu by deserting her in the middle of nowhere
Mohit wants to control Sweetu and not let her get closer to Omkar. He keeps taunting her and being very suspicious of her all the time. He even decides to drive her to an unknown location and berate her for her closeness with Omkar. Then he leaves her there and drives away in a fit of anger and Sweetu is left in a dark, barren land with no knowledge of how to get back home! Isn’t this the biggest red flag ever?

Fat-shaming Sweetu
Mohit and his mother constantly fat-shame Sweetu subtly. Nalu becomes very apologetic of her daughter’s weight when they do this. This is clearly wrong. Sweetu doesn’t mind her weight and till some time ago, neither did Nalu. But because of Mohit, Nalu has started to look at her daughter as someone imperfect. Nalu starts to watch what Sweetu is eating and gives her lesser food so that she reduces weight!
Not supporting Vasant, his future father-in-law
In one of the recent episodes, Mohit purposely brings the Salvis to the same restaurant where Omkar is having a meeting and makes Vasant pay the bill. When Vasant is unable to do so, he is insulted by the hotel staff and this leaves all the Salvis worried. Omkar swoops in just in time and makes the waiter apologise to him. But still, Mohit does not do anything to support Vasant and in fact, puts him in a troublesome situation himself!
What else do you think Mohit does wrong?
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