The most prestigious and honored award show Zee Cine Awards 2020 recently took place at Mumbai’s MMRDA ground on Friday (March 13). The event was held without the general public due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Zee Cine Awards was a starry affair and several popular Bollywood celebrities attended the glamorous event. This year #TaapmaanBadhega is used to represent the high energy which will happen on the show. Celebs including Ayushmann Khurrana, Ranveer Singh, Sara Ali Khan, Kriti Sanon, Nora Fatehi, Govinda, Kartik Aaryan, Rajkummar Rao attended the award show. The stars looked amazing in their designer wear and gave major fashion goals to everyone.
Bollywood’s most energetic hero Ranveer Singh dedicated his performance to the dancing legends Shammi Kapoor, Mithun, Rishi Kapoor, Govinda, and many more. He made a dhamakedaar entry on the stage and managed to grab audiences’ eyeballs with his act.