5 Ways To Know If You Have Psychic Abilities Like Nayan From The Bangla Serial Trinayani!


June 23, 2020


1 min

1. You Have Premonitions


Extrasensory perception or ESP is often called the ’sixth sense.’ It is an uncanny ability to intuit something without any particular logic or reason, but by the guidance of one’s gut feeling. In the hit Bangla serial Trinayani, Nayan, the lead character who is played by actor Shruti Das, is blessed with the gift of foresight because of her ‘third eye.’ This is the very phenomenon that we refer to as psychic ability or ESP. Check out these hints that indicate that you might have the same!

Have you ever had strange flashbacks from the past even though you know you haven’t lived it? Do you seem to get visions from a different reality out of the blue without any rhyme or reason? Just like Nayan, you may be a clairvoyant! Clairvoyance is the ability to gain insight from a totally unknown and undefined external source. Nayan could foresee her marriage with Dripto (Gourab Roy Chowdhury) even before he could, thanks to her gift!

2. Your Dreams Spill Into Your Waking Life


Have you ever had dreams which seemed strange when you had them, but later, a lot of it turns into reality? Alternatively, when talking to someone else, you find out that much of what happened in your dreams actually took place in the past, even though you had no prior knowledge! Nayan too, often heard Dripto’s voice in her dreams calling her even before they formed a relationship! This is a big sign that you have ESP!

3. You Get ‘Vibes’


When you meet someone for the first time, or visit a place you never have before, can you often form an opinion based on an inner instinct? Can you intuitively ’feel’ something in your bones before it is confirmed through facts? Well, this could just be your psychic ability speaking. Nayan, even though she is a trusting soul, could feel that Jasmine (Jasmine Roy) was out to get her even before this was proved by her actions!

4. You Can ‘Read’ Minds


Does it happen that you often know what someone is thinking even though they have not expressed their thoughts to you, even non-verbally? If it is the case with a close friend or family member, it could be that you just know them very well. However, if this happens to you even with other people, it may just be your ESP! Nayan is a highly sensitive person who can gauge with what other people are thinking or feeling because she is an empath!

5. You Feel A Strong Urge To Help Those Around You


Those who have psychic abilities often tend to be extremely sensitive people. Does the suffering of another cause you inexplicable pain too? Do you feel the need to lift people out of misery simply because you can’t help it? Nayan had a premonition of Dripto’s accident even before it happened, and could not help but rush to his aid because of this protective urge.

So do you reckon that you have a psychic gift just like Nayan? Tell us in the comments below!

For more entertainment, watch the drama film Drishtikone.

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