Gudiya Humari Sabhi Pe Bhari is a comedy TV show on AndTV that revolves around a dusky damsel Gudiya and her struggle to find a suitable groom. The star cast of the TV show includes actors like Sarika Bahroliya, Ravi Mahashabde, Sarrtaj Gill, Manmohan Tiwari and others. Actress Shweta Rajput plays the role of Sweety who is Gudiya’s sister-in-law, a character that is quite popular amongst the audiences. While Shweta’s reel life character is a fashionista, she is extremely stylish in her real life too. Don’t believe us? Here are 8 pictures of Shweta Rajput when she absolutely killed it with her chic looks.
Watch the latest episode of Gudiya Humari Sabhi Pe Bhari here.
Shweta poses like a total pro in this picture she posted on Instagram. She is seen sporting a dark blue skater dress with a denim jacket on top. Paparazzi, are you seeing this?