The cast of ZEE5’s original Marathi series Hutatma recently made an appearance on popular chat show Chala Hawa Yeu Dya. Actors such as Mohan Agashe, Sachin Khedekar, Ashwini Kalsekar, Vaibhav Tatwawaadi and Anjali Patil among others were seen talking about Hutatma and the characters they play in the series.
Watch the latest episode from the show here.
Soon began the madness, where the comedians pulled off a skit on Salman Khan’s famous film Tere Naam which also starred Sachin. Mohan was in the line of fire where he was called Ranveer Singh for his unconventional fashion sense and his amazing collection of hats!
In a clip, the veteran is shown wearing various hats with his outfits. The same is supported by the soundtrack of Khalibali in the background and it leaves Mohan as well as the audience in splits. Trust us, it’s hilarious and you can’t miss this scene from the episode.