After each passing week, Zee Kannada’s hit dance show, Dance Karnataka Dance Family War 2 is bringing on bigger and better challenges for the 12 participating celebrity jodis. We had the interesting ‘Superhit Sandalwood Jodi‘ round last week and many teams got the ‘Fire-Brand-Performance’ hose as well as the golden hats and even standing ovations from the trio judges; Rebel Queen Rakshitha Prem, Music Mantrika Arjun Janya and Chinnari Mutha Vijay Raghavendra.
Watch the last week’s episode of DKDFW2 here:
Hoping for another eventful week, here are 18 pictures from the ‘Choreographers Special Round’ this weekend, in which the jodis will have to perform with their choreographers in the act. Starting with the ever-so beautiful hostess Anushree welcoming everyone. Doesn’t her outfit look just lovely? #ladyinred