Zee Marathi show Kanala Khada hosted by Sanjay Mone was a weekly delight for the audience. The chat show saw appearances celebrity guests who shared their stories of struggle, love, and success. From the TV industry’s Abhijeet Khandkekar to the famous film actress Sonalee Kulkarni, celebs from all streams have entertained the viewers with their personal stories. The 52 episodes of Kanala Khada are still streaming on ZEE5 and you can revisit them anytime! So today, we bring you the five best celebrity guests that have appeared on the show and interesting revelations made by them.
Watch an episode from the show here.
First on the list is Mrunal Kulkarni, who shared her story of being a professor at a Pune university and then becoming an actress. She let viewers know about how her life was simple and routine earlier. An interesting revelation made by the Maza Hoshil Na star Virajas Kulkarni’s mother was that her husband Ruchir was earlier fearless and mischievous by nature. She transformed him into a docile and homely man after marriage and worked on changing his habits, day after day.