O Rangreza is a romantic drama which will soon be aired on ZEE5 from May 1, 2020. The show will feature Bilal Abbas Khan and Sajal Ali in lead roles. O Rangreza has been written by Saji Gul and directed by Kashif Nisar. The story of O Rangreza is about a girl named Sassi and her father Khayyam, who is a poet. Khayyam is married to a simple woman and falls for a more glamorous Sonia Jahan. Khayyam’s daughter Sassi wants to be like Sonia Jahan, as she knows her father has a liking for her. Here’s a look at the star cast of the show.
O Rangreza: Meet The Characters Of ZEE5 Upcoming Romantic Drama
1. Noman Ijaz as Khayam Sani
2. Sana Fakhar as Sonia Jahan
Actress Sana Fakhar acted in a Punjabi movie in 2013, and also shared screen space with Bollywood actor Sunny Deol in the movie Kaafila. The actress will be playing the character of Sonia Jahan who Khayyam falls head over heels in love with. Sonia is a successful actress by profession and does not love Khayyam.
3. Sajal Ali as Sassi
Actress Sajal Ali was last seen in the Bollywood movie MOM, along with late legendary actress Sridevi. Sajal will essay the role of a stubborn, and strong headed girl Saasi. She treats her mother badly, as she sees her father doing the same. She desires to be like actress Sonia Jahan, as she knows her father is in love with the actress. She starts behaving like Sonia. Sassi goes on to become a film star and plays the role of Sonia in a movie called Sonia Jahan, which is a tribute to the actress.
4. Bilal Abbas Khan as Qasim
5. Sonia Mishal as Amna
Actress Sonia Mishal as Amna is shown as a British girl. She is dating Tipu, Sassi’s elder cousin. Amna converts to Islam and asks Qasim to change her name from Meena to a Muslim name. Tipu dreams of getting married to Amna but she gets married to Qasim.
O Rangreza depicts a beautiful family story which should be watched. Stay tuned for more updates on O Rangreza!
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